The Connection Preschool FAQ

Frequently Asked Connection Preschool Questions


  • What age are the preschoolers that attend The Connection Preschool program?
    Our Preschool is for ages 3, 4, and 5. (4’s turning 5 during our preschool year). We do not offer a kindergarten program at this time.
  • How does the multi-age classroom work?
    We all learn from each other. Older preschoolers act as role models to younger preschoolers and provide support as younger students navigate our preschool day. Younger preschoolers help older preschoolers learn patience and empathy.
  • What does a typical preschool day look like?
    Click here for a sample schedule.
  • Who is the teacher? 
    Click here to learn more about Kathleen Keane, Head Preschool Teacher.
  • What is the ratio of students to staff?
    We follow a 1:10 ratio.
  • Can I pick the days my preschooler attends?
    Yes, this year we are offering a 3, 4, or 5-day option.
  • What are the hours of the preschool program?
    8:45am-12:30pm or 8:45am-2:30pm
  • Does my preschooler need to be potty trained to attend The Connection Preschool program?
    Yes, preschoolers need to be completely and comfortably potty trained. No pull-ups. They should be comfortable using a bathroom that is not their home bathroom. They should be able to use the bathroom independently (pulling down and up, unbuttoning clothing, and wiping)
  • What if my preschooler has a “potty” accident?
    For “pee” potty accidents, we will encourage them to change clothing independently. For “poop” accidents, preschool staff will call a family member.
  • Will my preschooler get to participate in enrichment classes?
    Yes, one of the many wonderful things about The Connection Preschool program is that we have enrichment classes built into our preschool day! The enrichment classes are: Music and Movement, Swim Lessons, Yoga, Gymnastics, and Jr. Warrior. All classes take place in the morning before 12:30pm dismissal. We do have a few extra bonus gym classes for preschoolers who stay until 2:30pm.
  • How does swim class work?  What if my preschooler does not want to swim or I am uncomfortable with my preschooler attending swim class?
    The preschoolers have a set time to participate in swim class. They are taught in a small group by a swim instructor. A lifeguard is also present to monitor the class. Your preschooler will come to preschool on swim day dressed in their bathing suit and with a towel. We encourage the preschoolers to dress independently but preschool staff will assist if needed. Because we usually have a waitlist for swim class days, we request you select another weekday to attend preschool if your child will not swim.
  • Do the preschoolers wear masks?
    At this time yes, the preschoolers are required to wear a mask throughout their preschool day. While we have “mask breaks” periodically throughout the day, our preschoolers have adapted well to the safety requirement.
  • Who will be teaching my preschooler?
    Preschool is taught by a certified teacher with a degree in Early Childhood Education/ P3 endorsement. An assistant teacher will also be involved with the preschool learning day.
  • What type of curriculum do you follow? Will my preschooler be ready for kindergarten?
    We balance a mix of creativity and academics. We have weekly themes that encourage exploration and fun while also targeting skill-building.  We typically have preschoolers for two years. The first year (3 year olds) is all about learning that preschool is a fun place to be and how to navigate our preschool routine. The second year (4s turning 5) is all about building on kindergarten readiness skills.
  • What is the drop-off and pick-up procedure?
    Before arrival, families will complete a health screen electronically. Families will use a car line. Preschool staff will greet each preschooler in the morning at arrival in their vehicle. The preschooler will be escorted out of the vehicle to our meeting location. For dismissal, preschoolers will be brought out by a preschool staff member to their car.
  • What does a typical preschool day look like?
    A typical Connection Preschooler’s day is filled with fun! We arrive, unpack, and have some table activities before moving to circle time and interactive read-alouds, followed by developmentally appropriate activities such as art, sensory, play, outdoor time and enrichment classes. We also have snack and lunch.
  • Does my preschooler need snack and lunch?
    Preschoolers attending 8:45-12:30 will need snack only.
    Preschoolers attending 8:45-2:30 will need snack and lunch.
    *Please no nuts of any kind*
  • What should my preschooler bring to preschool each day?
    Your preschooler should bring a backpack that can accommodate their snack and/or lunch bag and a folder that will be provided by preschool staff. On the first day, they will also need to provide a change of clothing in a labeled zip-lock bag. A compete set includes: underwear, pants, shirt, and socks.
  •  How will I know how my preschooler is doing?
    Each day that your preschooler attends you will receive an “ALL ABOUT MY PRESCHOOL DAY” sheet inside their folder.
  •  How will I know what my preschoolers is doing in preschool?
    Families will get a weekly newsletter on Sunday night that will detail what we are doing for the week and any important dates. Families should always check their email.
  •  Does The Connection Preschool follow the Summit Public Schools’ schedule for days off?
    Yes, we follow the Summit Public Schools’ schedule for days off or unscheduled school closings. A preschool calendar will be included in your preschool enrollment packet.
  •  How do you handle discipline?
    We believe in positive discipline techniques and offer choices and reminders when needed. If a child needs a break we offer them a safe  space to take a break and then rejoin when they feel ready.
  • What if my preschooler has separation anxiety?
    We encourage talking about school and making it a positive conversation “There are so many fun activities like… (choose an activity that your child enjoys story time, art, gym, learning letters)”.We also encourage reading books about school to your child and reinforcing, especially if this is their first time away from home, that grown-ups always come back at the end of the school day.A family photo or comfort item that can stay in the backpack is another option for the first week or two.