Swim Lesson Procedures

Dear Parents/guardians,

We have established the following procedures to help keep us all safe and provide quality swim lessons.

  1. Parents/Guardians may bring the child to the pool deck after using the male, female or family locker rooms.
  2. Parents must change their child before and after swimming. Staff are not permitted to change the children’s clothes.
  3. Parents must wait outside for the duration of the lesson. Spectators are not allowed on the pool deck, lobby or hallways at this time.
  4. We strongly encourage students to use the restroom prior to their lesson. Should they need to use the restroom during lesson time, the Deck Supervisor will escort them to family locker room and wait outside in the hallway. We highly recommend children not potty trained wear swim diapers with waterproof training pants.
  5. Parents/Guardians and students should make plans to meet the child at the locker room pool door, aquatics hallway immediately following the lesson. They may change and/or use showers in the locker room.
  6. Please practice social distancing in the locker rooms.

*Due to lesson schedules and safety issues, please keep discussions with staff on the Pool Deck to a minimum. Contact aquatics@theconnectiononline.org if you have questions about your students’ progress.