Membership Update 5/22

Dear Members,

We miss you and can’t wait to welcome you back to our facility! We are working diligently toward the day we are permitted to reopen and are able to do so in a manner that ensures your safety. Every preparation and decision we make for your return is grounded in how we can best protect your health and well-being, just as it has always been.

In accordance with government regulations and guidelines, we are taking extra precautions as we carefully prepare for a phased reopening. While we don’t have all the details yet, here are some of the actions you can expect:

  • You will be required to sign a waiver and a reservation may be necessary to participate (more information to follow).
  • All staff and members will be screened daily for health. Staff and members will be required to wear masks except when strenuously exercising.
  • There will be new traffic patterns throughout the building and instructional signs on our floors and walls. Social distancing will be required at all times and staff will assist by serving as social distancing ambassadors.
  • In addition to continuous cleaning procedures, we will adhere to stringent disinfecting routines using EPA-approved products.
  • There will be capacity limitations in all programs and classes, and when appropriate, we will utilize our outdoor spaces.
  • We will provide information regarding specific programs such as youth camps, adult fitness classes, youth classes, the fitness center, and pool as it becomes available. In the meantime, we will continue to offer and expand virtual classes, activities, and resources even after we reopen.
  • For the time being, you won’t be able to have a cup of coffee or socialize in our lobbies. There will be no coffee or tea available and the water fountains will be turned off. The furniture in the lobby areas will be rearranged or removed and for your safety, we will encourage you to depart the building quickly when you are finished.
  • To reduce congestion, staff will have varied schedules and work remotely when possible.
  • Each of us has an important responsibility in helping keep ourselves and one another healthy (we must all wash our hands properly – and often!).

We realize not everyone will be ready to return to the building when we reopen, and there will understandably be varying levels of comfort, questions and opinions as we move forward. While operations will change, our core values will not. The Connection community has always operated with respect and compassion; it is the foundation of our mission and at the heart of everything we do. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we navigate through this together.

We will need to look and feel a little different for now, but we know The Connection is an integral part of your and your family’s mental and physical well-being so our commitment to you is stronger than ever. We look forward to seeing your smiling eyes.

With gratitude for your membership,

Wendy and The Connection Team