Calling All Guppies!

June 27, 2016
By Christina Bariese, Connection Preschool Head Teacher

Summer is officially here and Camp has just begun! As a preschool teacher I am frequently asked: “What are the benefits to sending my 3 year old to camp?” And the answer is – there are so many! Here are just a few:

Socialization– Your 3 year old will begin to learn important life skills such as sharing, making friends, listening to others, and what it means to be part of a group all in a safe fun-filled camp atmosphere!

Self-Reliance- They will learn how to take care of their own needs. They will begin to feel more confident in being able to independently dress or open their own lunch. Counselors will encourage and assist 3 year olds to help them develop skills of independence.

Connection- At The Connection, children will begin to learn how to make connections with adults and peers outside their home.  For some kids it may be their first time being part of a group and away from their parents, which can be scary and intimidating! Counselors and camp staff will be there every step of the way to help make their transition from home to camp a positive experience.

Enrichment Activities– Along with learning to follow a daily schedule, 3 year olds will participate in several enrichment activities such as art, swim lessons, yoga, big gym, and S.T.E.A.M activities. These rotations will help them learn to try new things, develop cause and effect skills, and provide stimulation for their already curious minds.

Is your 3 year old headed off to preschool or daycare in the fall? Camp can be a great transition into preschool or daycare. Little ones who attend camp begin to see themselves as capable individuals and are more willing to use skills learned at camp in other settings.

Here at The Connection, our “Guppies” program is the perfect first-time camp experience, created just for 3 year olds. Carefully designed by our Directors to provide a safe and nurturing environment, our Guppies are able to participate in all of the traditional SummerFun experiences, in smaller groups with modified, age-appropriate activities!

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